Sun Spinner Components
Sun Container Spinner eliminates the effort and costs of installing and operating your container orchestration software, tools, and infrastructure. Sunteco Cloud fully manages Sun Spinner. Thus, no burden of solving technical problems exists.
Application Life-Cycle Management by Sun Spinner
- Save up to 75% cost compared to using a Virtual Machine for service deployment
- Process 3x time faster than Virtual Machine most times
- No concern about resource overload as using Virtual Machine
- Remember all important system changes. Rollback-Roll-forward the system easily in seconds by directive GUI wizard
- Very few actions to publish/unpublished Service to Internet or set public domain
- Manual scale up/down or let the system auto-scale for you by very easy setting
- Could be rolled out in different regions and clouds at the same time
- And many other unique benefits
Container Life Cycle Management

Interactive Terminal

Auto and Manual Scaling

HTTP/S Publishing

CI/CD APIs with Access Control List

Roll-back & Roll-forward

Role Base Access Control

Replication & Rapid Scaling

Use Sun Spinner Container and pay only for compute resources
For more details, visit the Pricing pages. Identify the best Container solution for your workloads with fully functions of Sun Spinner Container. If you have more question, please contact us.
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