About Sunteco 

Vision & Mision

” Sunteco Cloud: Scalable Application Platform ” 

“To be the leading business application platform where customer can find the most important software-hardware components in our all-one-stack and leverage it to expand their business explosively with cost efficiency”

Sunteco Core Values

” Customer Success – Ownership – Commitment – Outstanding – Humble & Curious “

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“By striving relentlessly for customer success”

The top priority of Sunteco is customer success, followed by business success. Keeping that statement in mind, Sunteco team always starts with the customer, then works backwards.

Always put customers’ needs and expectations front and center, and hold yourself to the high standards that will make customers want to come back over and over. The concept of “customer” is not limited to the company external customers. Each internal department must also be considered a client of the departments that gives their results to it. Only when we can build a chain of success from internal “customers”, then we could be success with external customers.

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“By taking full responsibility of problem”

Sunteco employees think of themselves as owners of company business, including what they care directly and not directly. They take full responsibility for problems, not just specific tasks. Every action they take, both big and small, reflects on the company in some way. Act as a representative and avoid taking the easy road.

They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They think them-self as a key part of the company, they’ll always give their best shot and accept the consequences. Part of being an owner includes serving others. They prefer to say “Can I help” instead of “It is not my tasks, it is some one else task”.


“By always staying here as a companion”

Sunteco employees should commit wholly to our convictions when challenges arise. Once they agree to a decision, they’re supposed to give everything they have to it. They show positive results on whatever projects or tasks they work on. They must look at key inputs and deliver them on time.

Commitment is an important principle for all Sunteco employees. Sunteco defines commitment as a pledge to devote time and energy to their promises and works. This is not a word to be taken lightly as it binds employees at Sunteco to action. It demonstrates a vow always to be here with a caring attitude and share a mutual desire to succeed.


“By insisting on higher standards”

Employees at every level of Sunteco should reach for bigger goals than they think are possible because striving for greatness and not accepting average gives you the best chance of succeeding. If employees are willing to accept the same result as yesterday, they will usually get it. Only stretching to the limit can help Sunteco continue its upward streak of excellence.


“By continually getting better every day”

Employees at Sunteco are encouraged not to limit themselves to any area, whether it is their expertise or not. They should constantly keep themselves on the cutting edge of industry trends instead of resting on their current knowledge base and experience. They make efforts to listen and learn from their coworkers, learn from others and always show respect for diverse perspectives. They are never done learning and consistently seek to improve themselves. They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them.




Sunteco workspace